Dans la rue….

Hello everyone!  We have been hitchhiking since sunday and yesterday we finally made it to France! And it is summer! Here are some pics. Blog update comingsoon.>

Check out our friend Julian, and hear Shawn sing!

This is Shawn singing with Julian for the ”Onion River Röck” submitted for the “My Coop Rocks!”contest. vote for it here!

Video of us at occupy galway!

Here is a video of us playing our song, “balls”for the Occupy Galway tent!

Also, here is a great video they made showing the amazing Occupy Galway camp!

Happy birthday queen lady!


Ireland Reflections

    So when people say ireland is beautiful they mean it is the prettiest place in the world! Just stunning fairytale stuff going on all over the place.  Mists and horses and crumbling castles all nestled down in thick grass and moss with little rivers bubbling through the valleys.  We hit spring dead on and all the fields were full of little flowers and baby animals!  Mostly we tried to stick to the nature.  To generalize broadly we found the Irish people to be very warm and kind to us but disturbingly casual with the racism and sexism and homophobia…like alabama casual…but with more misogyny. so that was rough.  There wasn’t even any language to talk about it. Like, what’s wrong with rape jokes?   Fact: divorce, and homosexuality have only been legal there for about 15 years… that’s the late 90’s! also the drinking thing is totally cartoonishly real.  We stayed in Galway for a couple of days at the Occupy Galway camp which was a pretty sweet set up with a big tent building and couches and tea making and lots of people in and out.   It seemed to jive with friends’ reports of Occupy in america that there were about three people involved who were pretty serious activists and who did most of the organizing and information gathering while the rest of the people (including us) were there for the shelter, the food, the arguments, and the party.  The last night we were there there was a big partay, where one occupier invited his gangster friends, and their friends, to do “night security”. so everyone got WASTED.  Like roaring, punching, wrestling, pantsing, fire-extinguisher spraying inside the freaking tent right in Nick’s face, drunk.  It was not cool but was pretty facinating.  It was like if teenagers were bigger and could legally drink.  and no cops.  Anyway we also met some super nice folks who gave us rides out of their way and showed us wonderful places and had hearts full of joy.  It was a great place to kick off our trip.  connecting us to the wild beauty of the world and the consistant reality of human insanity/nobility.

Here are some pictures.

Swans in Galway (fixed)


Hello Everyone! Right now Shawn and I are in Ireland! We just got here early this morning, but we are already having a great time! We flew out from JFK after staying the night with James and David in their beautiful home in Newark! When we got to the airport, they told us the (pretty full) flight to Dublin had been cancelled, but that we could fly to Shannon instead and take a “coach” back to Dublin. Naturally we skipped the coach, walked to the “new town” of Shannon,  got Irish B-fast (poached eggs, brown toast, canadian bacon, creamy sausage and a grilled tomato) at the mall/town center, got rained on,  hitchedhiked to Ennis, and got a cheap hostel so we could sleep all afternoon!! Tomorrow, it’s off to the burren where we will pitch our tent and have a relaxing sleepover! Anyhow, we can’t wait to bust out our instruments and do some street american rock n roll! talk soon!  -Nick

P.S. We havent taken any pictures of Ireland with our digital camera, because we are embarassed our our huge tourist backpacks, so i hope this picture would be kinda close. It’s of Shawn and Betsy at Beech Hill Preserve in Rockport, Maine. It was taken 3 weeks ago when we went to Bremen to visit Betsy and her wonderful family. You all are the best! Also, Big shoutout to my Family for putting us up for a week or so when we were readying for the trip, thanks guys! Also, Uncommon Grounds for being awesome, and megabus for having a $3 bus trip from Burlington to NYC!

SXSW Hero Time


So we were at SXSW getting signed to record labels and then we found all this money in a Pepsi bag along with a Bing frisbee and some Beer Shampoo.  Don’t worry IRS we gave it all back to the government.  In fact we were just borrowing the Fat Stax for the photo shoot.  Don’t audit us.  Other than that it was pretty uneventful…we saved some teenagers from dying of dubstepitis, got in some fist fights with rappers, confiscated a bunch of sandwiches, bathed in Monster Energy/Beer/Neuro Water/Ecstasy Sweat, stayed awake, learned about the road life in the Vans documentary, got some cop glasses, tacos, apps, schwag, swag, green rag, Nick got hit in the head with a couple beers, John Dieterich made it seem worthwhile, and all the guys from Pennywise are actually not dead. We’d like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to all the VIPs and also the V-VIPS! it was awesome to work with our friends from Austin and our homies from all over! Thanks especially to Pete, Ben, and Evan for takin’ out the trash!

Next up for Super Bonheur: a trip through Europe documenting the adventures of rock sensation Kasabian! The film will be jam packed with celebrity interviews! among them Sugar Ray and Christopher Guest!  Keep your eye out!

Check this “digital comp” out!!

   Hello Everyone! I know we haven’t been updating this blowg in awhile, but here’s a golden oppurtunity! Our Tune, “Balls”, has been featured on an (old) York, UK based fanzine, Verbal Rocket‘s newest Comp! Check it out for free at bandcamp,  lots of awesome music on it from around the world! Also, we just played our farewell show friday night at Young Rob’s house, thank you to everyone who went and watched us and all the other great bands, and for Max and Jim and Rob for making it one of the best house shows in a while! Love to Burlington!

  Anyhow, Tuesday we are leaving for a short trip to Austin, Texas for some work during SXSW, more specifically for the Mess With Texas Party! We are carpooling with my old pal Evan Lindorff-Ellery, he runs a record label called Notice Recordings and releases lots of serious listening tapes with great artwork, give his beautiful new website a look. We will keep you updated with any movie or rock stars we see, and take some pictures of “hipster spring break”. (Un?)fortunately, Super Bonheur won’t be playing SXSW this year, because we don’t really want the exposure. Email us yr addresses so we can send postcards from the road! and buy our tape at Burlington Records! Also, check out our buddy Son of Salami’s new joint on Night People!!



We love donations!

pics of cute rats for your pleasure